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Tools for Better Thinking

Although we often feel confident that we're rationally evaluating and acting on what we read, watch, and hear, that confidence is not always warranted. Whether we like it or not, our intuitions about the information we come across can lead us astray. Even when we recognize our limitations and wish to better our thinking, it can be hard to know where to turn for critical thinking supports.

Whether you're doing research for a course, reading the news, or wading through social media, the Fallible Fox is here to get you started on building a critical thinking toolbox.


The Critical Thinking Primer will give you a sense of what we mean by "critical thinking" and why it's important. The MAPS Handbook for Critical Thinking provides an overarching framework and associated resources to support critical thinking with digital media. It contains four modules delving into key domains of critical thinking, helpful concepts and ideas, and recommended digital resources for further exploration. The Fallible Fox Blog periodically adds further ideas to expand on the MAPS Handbook, going deeper into territory touched on in its various chapters and exploring other ideas to integrate into your thinking.

Find out more about the aims and scope of the Fallible Fox here.

Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash

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